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How to Export Quality image in Infinite Design

 HOW TO EXPORT HIGH-QUALITY IMAGES IN INFINITE DESIGN Infinite Design is a tool for vector artists. However, many feel the struggle that they cannot save the high-quality image. So here is the solution for that. Don'ts when you save your drawing. 1. Don't decrease the layer's opacity . As you decrease the layer opacity, you may observe the change in the opacity of your drawing, but it actually reduces the pixels of the image. So Don't save when you make a later opacity decrease. Instead, make every part opacity low by selecting the drawing and reducing the opacity in the properties menu. 2. Don't zoom too much while saving. We may think that when we save the image by zooming, it will get the highest quality. But it won't when you do it despite making the quality image, it crops out the image to your zoom level. So you cannot save the full image. Hope this is helpful. Thank you.